5 Essential To-Do’s to Attract High-End Interior Design Clients

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It’s the dream of an entrepreneur’s across industries to have high-end clients, the ones that don’t really care about the cost of a service, as long as they are certain to get the superior results they desire. Interior design is no different. These luxury level clients create a big difference in the profitability of your business and your reputation. However, you need to know the essentials of how to attract them. To get these highly sought after clients, it’s important to understand the way they think, how they operate, and what you can do as a designer and professional to earn their trust. So here are 5 essential to-do’s to attract and maintain luxury level interior design clients:
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It’s the dream of an entrepreneur’s across industries to have high-end clients, the ones that don’t really care about the cost of a service, as long as they are certain to get the superior results they desire. Interior design is no different. These luxury level clients create a big difference in the profitability of your business and your reputation. However, you need to know the essentials of how to attract them. To get these highly sought after clients, it’s important to understand the way they think, how they operate, and what you can do as a designer and professional to earn their trust. So here are 5 essential to-do’s to attract and maintain luxury level interior design clients:

Price Accordingly:

We’ve blogged before about how to charge for your online interior design services, but be sure you’re pricing correctly for your target market too! While budget-friendly pricing or packages are highly attractive to your average client, that kind of pricing will not convey the right message to these clients, who typically follow the adage, “you get what you pay for.” Your pricing should send the message that you are competitive, professional, and capable of providing the luxury level design services that they’re looking for. This doesn’t mean you need to be THE most expensive designer around, just do your research and be mindful that your prices communicate what you need them to.

Level Up Your Branding &Marketing:

Luxury level branding and marketing is all about perception. One way to convey luxury is by highlighting the high quality materials your clients will be attracted to. By creating 3D design boards or other visuals using the materials, appliances, fixtures, brands, and furniture that are popular in the luxury market, you will already stand out to these potential clients as someone who can give them what they are looking for. If you do not follow this rule, you’re diminishing your brand in the eyes of the clientele you’re trying to capture. Another thing to consider is blogging or even “vlogging” (video blogging) around those same luxury brands, preferred vendors, etc. and sharing your content on YouTube and with strategic hashtags on social media channels to help improve your search engine rankings and increase your online visibility.  Remember, when it comes to marketing and branding, it’s all in the details. Be sure your site it thoughtfully designed, you’re using high quality visuals, and you have an impressive online portfolio.

Related Reading:Blogging for InteriorDesigners: 5 Powerful Reasons to Get Started

Use Social Media Ads to Reach Luxury Consumers Online:

Search engine optimization can take time, and while it is 100% worth it, sometimes you need to jump-start things with a little paid advertising. The great thing about social media ads?They are an option for any budget! You can set up an ad campaign for $5 or $500+…whatever works for you, and it can put you in front of thousands of luxury level clients. Use the high level segmentation and targeting tools in Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. to get in front of the right people. For example, you could target ads specifically to 35 year old, married women who live in L.A., and like luxury brands like RestorationHardware and Boca Do Lobo.  You can also get into household income levels, personal interests, and more. Just be sure your ads are highly polished and professional.

Offer Superior Service & Personal Touches:

Higher end clients don’t like to wait and they expect to be treated very well, so be attentive and responsive. A personal approach will also speak volumes in a luxury market, so take every opportunity to do so. For example, ship a small and tastefully curated welcoming gift when they make the decision to work with you along with a personal note. This will show them they made the right choice and help to cement the relationship!

Polish Your Presentation Skills

High-end clients often have high-end demands and expectations, especially when it comes to your presentation skills and technology. Are you currently able to create 3D images,360 degree renderings, video walk-throughs, and other impressive visuals? If not, we can help! Check out these courses that we’ve built specifically to help you quickly and efficiently polish presentation goals to impress luxury clientele.

Attracting high-end clients does not happen overnight, but follow these tips and learn the skills you need to execute them, and you will be well on your way to building a strong foundation to propel yourself into the luxury interior design market!